Blessings dear ones.
Have you felt the change? The sky has been ablaze with the rising and setting sun. Like Goddess Brigid's red hair, the red light has bathed us in its warm glow, inviting the anticipation of longer days to come and gently rousing the sleeping animals and seeds. The first of the flowers, the snowdrops and the crocuses have pushed their sleepy heads above the ground and are now offering the first colour on the ground after months of only mulchy leaves and soggy grass.
I emerge from three days of contemplation and practice enveloped in the energies of Imbolc. Last night I was fortunate to meet with other women under the stars to dance, drum and sing around the fire as women on this land would have done hundreds of years ago. Imbolc is the first fire festival of the year and marks the midway point between midwinter or Yule and the spring equinox or Ostara. Whilst it is traditionally celebrated from the evening of the 31st March to the 2nd of January, this Imbolc energy will be with us through to Ostara when springtime officially begins. Now is the perfect time to envision the next steps on your path.
Brigid is a maiden goddess associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, protection and smithing. As she protects the sacred fire of transformation and change, she invites us to turn inwards to nourish and nurture our inner flame and to contemplate what it is we will forge in the fire of our souls. What will we burn away and leave behind? How will we heal? And what will we feed? What will we nourish? What will we create?
As I write this, the moon is waning in the sign of Scorpio (a constellation strongly associated with transformation and change) adding emphasis to the invitation to consider what it's time to shed and leave behind. By the time we reach the new moon on the 9th February, the sun, moon, mars and mercury will all be sitting together in Capricorn. This is the sign that it's time to start sowing the seeds for something new. As a sea goat, Capricorn has one foot on the land, and one in the water. It's a mythical creature that can synthesise and make real that which is imaginary. This is a beautiful energy for sowing seeds and envisioning a direction of travel.
With all this energy on our side, I've decided (at the last minute!) to run a workshop next Saturday afternoon on identifying core values that will serve as our compass as we set sail on our 2024 journey. You can read more about the workshop and book your spot here.